Friday, December 9, 2011

Update and some December Plans

SO, the third baby pea pod is complete!! I finished Wednesday night I believe, but I had no buttons, so it's finished but the final touches are not. That will happen Sunday, along with an update with pictures. Ah it is so cute.
     Now, I have many great adventures planned for this long and extensive Christmas Break!! I will be home after my two finals on this coming Tuesday are done, woo! Then I can start all things amazing! I have already begun some of my Giant 3D Snow Flakes, which are fabulous decorations for around the holiday/Winter season (another post for a later day). As well as making those to hopefully sell, there are a bunch of other things I want to do, mostly because I will have both time and materials. I can do things here on campus and at school, but I feel very limited because I can't bring everything here with me. So, here is a mini (aka incomplete) list of things I am going to be doing once I am home bound and freeee:

In no specific order,
1. Go through my collection of Barbies (yes, I know). Even as a child I knew some would be worth something, so many of them are left in their boxes. Talk about self control!
2. Go through my T-shirts and decide which will become squares for my future quilt(s).
3. Knit something from a new book I picked up recently (thrifted ) : Knitting for Peace by Betty Christiansen. Such an amazing book, gives so many great ideas for charities and other organizations to knit for and donate to, including "Project Linus" and "afghans for Afghans." I've been knitting so many baby pea pods that I really haven't had time to be doing a second project.
4. Spend some time with Big Baby and learn a new song. Big Baby is my guitar, (Taylor Big Baby!). I am so uncreative in the worst way when it comes to naming things, such as blogs and guitars.
5. Bake! I love finding recipes online, and when I was "stumbling," I found a great recipe for pancakes made with cake batter! So that will be a definite must.
6. Try other homemade remedies, such as this coffee grinds facial scrub (didn't realize it was from PETA until I posted the link haha). I use all natural face rinse right now as it is from my local Natural Food Store, but new things are always worth a try!
7. Learn how to actually use the Hello Kitty sewing machine I bought at Savers. I want to make beautiful dresses!!!!!!
That's all I have at the moment, but as always, I will be updating :-)
Cheers, Bacall

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