Sunday, December 18, 2011


It feels so good to be done with school! I am now on break until late January. Whatever will I do with my time? Oh right, my huge list of wonderful things to accomplish, such as knit something other than baby Peapods. Speaking of, I just finished number four. FOUR. Only two of those babies have been born, and I've only seen one in her little pod. Needless to say I am slightly exhausted with pea pods. I am ready for new challenges! Well, not necessarily challenges, but new projects. Found some great new tutorials online, so I'm eager to begin those.
   Also, i cleaned my room! Hurricane Bacall has finally passed, and I can see my floor! I also have a new project for my room. Right now, I have this plastic bin-thing that has a few drawers on it, and it has so much stuff that it is collapsing-sorta. Top drawer has makeup, middle has some art stuff in it, bottom has my cd collection. It is the middle drawer that is causing issues, because I am a very Scottish Pack rat who saves things in hopes that one day I will have a beautiful collage of all these little things that I love....except I've had this collection for a while....and nothing's happened. I really should go through it, because what was "Bacall" then, really isn't "Bacall" now. My idea is to get rid of that, but instead have 2x3 crates, each crate holds something different. Bottom two might have my cd's, then one for knitting and crochet supplies, another for all my yarn, et cetera and so forth. I think it will look neater, take up more room vertically and less room width wise, and simply be less of a hassle. So that is one more thing I would like to do this winter! Or spring...or sometime soon!

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