Sunday, December 18, 2011


It feels so good to be done with school! I am now on break until late January. Whatever will I do with my time? Oh right, my huge list of wonderful things to accomplish, such as knit something other than baby Peapods. Speaking of, I just finished number four. FOUR. Only two of those babies have been born, and I've only seen one in her little pod. Needless to say I am slightly exhausted with pea pods. I am ready for new challenges! Well, not necessarily challenges, but new projects. Found some great new tutorials online, so I'm eager to begin those.
   Also, i cleaned my room! Hurricane Bacall has finally passed, and I can see my floor! I also have a new project for my room. Right now, I have this plastic bin-thing that has a few drawers on it, and it has so much stuff that it is collapsing-sorta. Top drawer has makeup, middle has some art stuff in it, bottom has my cd collection. It is the middle drawer that is causing issues, because I am a very Scottish Pack rat who saves things in hopes that one day I will have a beautiful collage of all these little things that I love....except I've had this collection for a while....and nothing's happened. I really should go through it, because what was "Bacall" then, really isn't "Bacall" now. My idea is to get rid of that, but instead have 2x3 crates, each crate holds something different. Bottom two might have my cd's, then one for knitting and crochet supplies, another for all my yarn, et cetera and so forth. I think it will look neater, take up more room vertically and less room width wise, and simply be less of a hassle. So that is one more thing I would like to do this winter! Or spring...or sometime soon!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Finals and pictures

So I am originally writing this in a word document, because I have no internet L. I just finished putting the cute little buttons on the 3rd baby peapod, and yesterday at my track meet I started number four. I should be studying for my finals, but for some reason I’m just not. I have two, both on Tuesday, aka in two days (writing this originally Sunday night). Which means by the time this is posted I’ll have even less….goodness. In all honesty, I guess it’s just because I feel like I know how I’m going to do, so studying is almost…futile. I think I’m going to do well on my Linguistics final, because it’s not cumulative, and morphology and syntax are super easy compared to phonetics and phonology. My Tuesday night test for Marketing will be rough. I did not do too well on the midterm, so I need to do well on this test, but it’s going to be hard. Mehh. Plus she didn’t even give us a study guide. There’s a phrase for this. Stabbing in the dark or something? Yeah, that’s me right now with Marketing. 

so precious, amirite?
also, now I have pictures to upload. well, a picture. Baby Pea Pod picture!!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Update and some December Plans

SO, the third baby pea pod is complete!! I finished Wednesday night I believe, but I had no buttons, so it's finished but the final touches are not. That will happen Sunday, along with an update with pictures. Ah it is so cute.
     Now, I have many great adventures planned for this long and extensive Christmas Break!! I will be home after my two finals on this coming Tuesday are done, woo! Then I can start all things amazing! I have already begun some of my Giant 3D Snow Flakes, which are fabulous decorations for around the holiday/Winter season (another post for a later day). As well as making those to hopefully sell, there are a bunch of other things I want to do, mostly because I will have both time and materials. I can do things here on campus and at school, but I feel very limited because I can't bring everything here with me. So, here is a mini (aka incomplete) list of things I am going to be doing once I am home bound and freeee:

In no specific order,
1. Go through my collection of Barbies (yes, I know). Even as a child I knew some would be worth something, so many of them are left in their boxes. Talk about self control!
2. Go through my T-shirts and decide which will become squares for my future quilt(s).
3. Knit something from a new book I picked up recently (thrifted ) : Knitting for Peace by Betty Christiansen. Such an amazing book, gives so many great ideas for charities and other organizations to knit for and donate to, including "Project Linus" and "afghans for Afghans." I've been knitting so many baby pea pods that I really haven't had time to be doing a second project.
4. Spend some time with Big Baby and learn a new song. Big Baby is my guitar, (Taylor Big Baby!). I am so uncreative in the worst way when it comes to naming things, such as blogs and guitars.
5. Bake! I love finding recipes online, and when I was "stumbling," I found a great recipe for pancakes made with cake batter! So that will be a definite must.
6. Try other homemade remedies, such as this coffee grinds facial scrub (didn't realize it was from PETA until I posted the link haha). I use all natural face rinse right now as it is from my local Natural Food Store, but new things are always worth a try!
7. Learn how to actually use the Hello Kitty sewing machine I bought at Savers. I want to make beautiful dresses!!!!!!
That's all I have at the moment, but as always, I will be updating :-)
Cheers, Bacall

Monday, December 5, 2011

Baby Peapod 3

I am almost done with baby pea pod numero tres! Exciting! I got a lot of work done last night, mostly because I was staying up and watching The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King with others in the lounge. It was a great background for knitting. I feel proud of what I have accomplished in such little time. I did a good six inches of knitting, talk about hauling ass! My sister will be pleased. Right now I am trying to finish the decreases while I'm waiting to register for classes for next semester.....whoever gave me a 12:01 time didn't care that I have an 8 am....ah well. So now I'm up a smidgen later than I really wanted to be.
    As midnight comes along, I realize that the reason I can't sign because my time is actually 7 am....this is a face palm moment. Quite embarrassed. So I'm off to bed now....I will update later on.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

My Saturday -My Current Project

Hello There!
Today was a busy day. First indoor meet of the season at Boston, exciting! Yes I brought my knitting with me. I didn't work on it a whole lot; The way down I just wanted to get into my competition state of mind, plus my wrist has been aching a bit, so i just listened to the iPod. I did work on it a little bit on the way back, but I ran out of yarn, and I needed to measure the length anyways. Right now I'm working on yet another "baby pea pod." I found this pattern in a quaint little North Carolina yarn shop when I was visiting my grandfather with the family (I'll post the website at the bottom, since i didn't create the pattern). It is a little pea pod, the baby being the peas, with a little stem hat. I have since made three, one as a tester, and two as baby shower gifts . It seems that so many people are pregnant right now! So I'm currently on my third. Won't lie, it's becoming slightly tedious since it's all in stockinette stitch, but it looks so good, and I absolutely love the reactions it gets. Debating about selling them since they're easy and absolutely adorable. 
    Right now, I would say I'm about...a quarter of the way done with the body of the pea pod, then I still have the little hat to do. I've been procrastinating on it a bit, mostly because I wanted to finish the blanket for my bestie, but also because it's getting slightly tedious. But now that the blanket is done ( pictures below), i can continue on with the pea pods. These next two are for my sister's friends (well, they've all been my sister's friends who are pregnant....) She wants two more for her future sister-in-law and then for another friend. All for Christmas. So I have definitely have some work cut out for me. Finals are coming up within the next week, so I will need some down time. It's great past time for de-stressing. 
    Well, now I am off to figure out what classes I'm going to be taking next semester, and possibly continue on with the current pea pod. 
- Bacall

 Website for the Pea Pod

Up close shot of the blanket

full size 55"L x 32" W. bottom is a little wider because it's looser (starting point). Character, eh?

Halfway through Pea Pod numero tres. This yarn, bought from Walmart, is so soft and perfect for baby things. 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Right Meow...

So right meow, I have decided to make this blog. Well, not right now....I've been thinking about making one about all of the projects I have either knit or crocheted (there is no bias between knitting and crocheting here in Bacall-Land, but I do consider myself a knitter most of the time). So here it is! Yay!
      First off, I want to talk about the fact that I love to knit. I am a Grandma, I swear. I love my cat, and I love to knit. And crochet. I say knit but I honestly mean both. I just spent at least an entire 48 hours working on  a crochet project for a friend. I started in, what, March maybe? and have just now finished. Labor intensive for sure, but completely worth it. Granted, I  put it down for most of the summer because of the numerous hours of real work as an ice cream slave, but hey, it's finally finished! (Can't you tell how proud of myself I am?)
    Second, I will address the name of this blog. I always said, "If I ever go big with this, it's going to be called "Knit Shit by Bacall." Because I like to knit shit. Hats, blankets, creatures, baby things, whatever. I will attempt it at least once. Yes it's crude....but I am not creative when it comes to super awesome names. Edit: This blog was originally entitled "Knit Shit by Bacall." I got antsy and changed it. 
    Thirdly, there is not much of a thirdly, but here goes: This is where I'm going to blog about what I am currently working on. I'll post pictures (if I can figure out how to do that...), and just keep things generally updated about my projects, along with probably the music I am listening to whilst making these projects come alive. Ive also come to the conclusion that i will talk about the awesome thrift findings, since i love thirfting. With that said, here I go!
