Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Now....what I actually have been doing!

There are a few things that I actually did do so far this break, though they were not on my original list that I made. These things are: (1) attempt to recycle yarn from a thrifted sweater, (2) switch up part of my room, (3) make some sense of that darned closet!

First was the recycling of the yarn. Let me say that I was super excited to do this.....until I did it. Well, I didn't do it. I attempted. And stopped. And essentially failed. I think I was too ambitious. I told myself if I was going to do this, I wanted a nice sweater, not some dumb cotton blended crap. So I found a beautiful purple alpaca sweater. Eff my life. I could have sworn I did everything right; I made sure to look for that specific seam, and I thought things were going to be great! And they started great. Until I got supremely confused. At some point everything seemed to blend together, stitches and pieces and my fingers. Bad news bears. This is how it started :

Then I ended up with A LOT of this:

Then eventually, I ended up with this:

I got frustrated. It blew up in my face, and I am very sad, because I was looking so very forward to having my own yarn that I had recycled from an old sweater and I was very excited for a wonderful alpaca scarf. Now, I have chunks of sweater, and pieces of yarn. I'm sure I'll think of something, I always do....

Now, the second project. Fix up part of my room. For a while, I've had this plastic drawer thing. It sucked. Because it was plastic, it was crapping out, and because there was so much stuff in those three little drawers, they were heavy and barely moved and made me angry. It was also kinda ugly. I decided I wanted crates. I'm pretty sure I mentioned this before in another one of my blogs. Didn't think I'd get to it so soon, but I did!
it started like this: See purple plastic-y thing. See crates. See lots of mess.

Remember Hit Clips?!? Found This Gem

Now, See Organization and Cleanliness!

Ok, so the orange bin still has a ton of crap on top of it, I'm not perfect here! But each crate is organized. Bottom two hold cd's and electronic things, such as game boy games, receipt to my laptop, you know. Middle two hold my thank you cards and other paper items, the other holds lotions, lipglosses, that business. Top hold my creativity, all my needles, yarns, artwork things... essentially happiness. Feels good, looks better, I am content! My next goal is to get a few more crates, but turn them so they are like bookshelves (sooo many books, too many on my floor *sadface*)

Then there was my most recent project, my closet. The only pictures I took were of things that I found and felt were sentimental, like alll my Pound Puppies, my Tuggle, other things of that cutesy nature, and then the dresses, but there is a picture in the last blog.

And that ladies and gentlemen, is what I've been up to. I now plan on actually doing something on my original list before I start anything making my own self striping yarn with Kool Aid....


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